What You Know About Desalter Unit Function In The Oil Refinery Industry?

 A powerful crude unit desalter system design can prove to be highly useful for petroleum engineers to operate and maintain the system. It can be useful with the suitable water wash flow, settling velocity as well as injection water. Desalter unit suppliers say that the design of a desalter somewhat depends on factors like process needs, economics, and safety.


If you are a part of an oil refinery industry, you must be aware of crude oil desalters. And for those who don’t know what it means, a desalter is a processing unit in an oil refinery system that takes away all the salt from the crude oil. They can be purchased and used in oil refineries to also remove water and sediments, along with inorganic salts.

Heavy crude oil has lately become a major option in terms of crude oil refining because of the reason that it is available at a much lower price in the international market. When crude oil is created, along with comes varying quantities of water, formation solids, and some corrosion products. This specific water contains a large portion of dissolved salts that have chlorides, sulfates, and bicarbonates of alkali metals.

Separation processes are incorporated and initialized at the production location to minimize unnecessary transportation charges (costs). It can also prevent corrosion in the transportation system used for the process. Salt takes place naturally in the most crude, but the concentration may vary in each. The production practice encourages formation of salt content. Salt bulk can be conveniently dissolved in the water and can be removed by taking the help of a desalination plant.

A desalting process finds its application to remove contaminants from crude oil before it gets into the processing unit. By removing the contaminants at the arrival, it is possible to minimize the corrosion effect and to foul in downstream units. Refiners, in most scenarios, desalt the entering crude to less than 1 PTB (pounds of salt per thousand barrels of crude oil). Desalting that takes place in the fields can reduce corrosion whilst transporting the crude in tankers as well as pipelines. You can easily find different desalter oil refinery parts online at a great discount.



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