Things That Desalting Process Takes Care of In Oil and Gas Industry

 Desalting plays a very important role in oil and gas industry. The main function of desalting is to free crude oil, which is introduced to the refining process, of impurities such as inorganic salts, corrosion byproduct, drilling mud, etc. It is important to note that not all crude oil contains the same amount of impurities. The amount of impurities present in crude oil is dependent on the source. The salt content can vary quite a lot if crude oil from many, different sources is processed in refinery. 



Due to the important role of desalting in oil industry, it is important to purchase top quality desalter spare parts. Why is it so important? Let’s find out.

  1. The presence of inorganic salts in the crude oil can negatively impact the condition of the equipment through corrosion. This happens when those salts decompose in the pre-heat exchangers and heaters.

  2. Pumps, pipelines, and other parts can get damaged quite easily because of the presence of silt or sand. These parts are damaged because of erosion and abrasion.

  3. It is very important to get rid of the calcium naphthanate compound present in the crude unit residue stream. Removal of this compound is required because it can very easily give rise to lower grade coke and defusing of FCC unit’s catalyst.

Desalting process is therefore important because it makes sure none of the above mentioned things take place in the oil industry. This is why you should get high quality spare parts for oil and gas industry. There are some top companies that sell these parts online. You can get in touch with them and purchase all the parts related to the desalting process.


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