Getting a Better Understanding of the Crude Oil Desalter System

Once the primary oil or water separation is done, often times a small percentage of unwanted salts in the residual water gets deposited in the crude oil. This form of a contaminant can degrade the oil quality so it is necessary to get rid of this. If getting rid of it (100 percent) is not possible, the oil needs to be reduced to a concentration of about 5-10 PTB (pounds per thousand barrels) of salt. Successful removal of the salt will ensure the crude oil to be processed in a refinery or a stabilizer plant without fouling heaters, exchangers and other machineries.

Crude oil desalting technology has come a long way and now this can be used to completely eliminate residual salt to meet various requirements. Size and type of the desalter that is used for the operation relies on a number of fundamental factors that include: pressure, temperature, flow-rate and fluid viscosity. Customer requirements relating to maximum permissible salt in the product oil stream also plays a significant role. In the last few years, we have some of the best crude oil dewatering and desalting technologies that can be applied at the appropriate situations.

Based on the downstream process, a limit which is in the range of 1- 10 PTB of salt is specified which requires additional treatment beyond the usual dehydration. This can be effectively done with the help of a high-quality desalter unit. Wash or clean dilution water is introduced inside the crude oil  feed with the aid of a mixing device.

Consider this blog post and use services of desalter transformer bushing in TX, and other states.


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