3 Most Common Methods Of a Crude Oil Desalter

A crude oil desalter is a machinery tool utilized in the oil refinery industry to remove inorganic salts, water, and sediments from the impure petroleum crude oil. Removal of salts, water and sediments is a necessary activity to prevent corrosion that occurs from hydrochloric acid generation. It is a result of the hydrolysis of chloride salts present in the crude oil (calcium chloride and magnesium chloride). Any salt that remains even when the process is complete, represents a metal source that can poison expensive catalysts useful in a variety of petroleum refinery processes.

Most common methods of crude oil desalting:

Chemical And Electrostatic Separation: Washing off the salt from crude oil with the help of water oil and water phases are separated with the application of a settling container. In the next step, chemicals are mixed to break down the emulsion or electrostatic field can be applied to subside the saltwater droplets more rapidly. 

Electric Desalting: Under application of charge, the polar molecules gets oriented and separated. More than 90 percent of the salt can be removed in less than half an hour with this nifty technique. 

Chemical Desalting: Demulsifiers, which are water and chemical surfactant can be added to the
crude and then heated so that salt and other impurities dissolve into the water, after which     they settle out.

You can find various online crude desalter manufacturers in TX and other areas who can help you with desalter equipment, their service and supply. If you want to know about oil refinery spare parts, you can also avail these services.


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