3 Steps Involved In The Desalting Process
When it comes to oil-refining, you cannot take any chances. As desalting is vital for the purification of crude oil, you need to ensure that the equipment being used in your industry functions efficiently. To do this, you need to use the best desalter for crude oil in your industry. However, before you check the desalter in your refinery, it will help if you had the necessary information about the steps involved in the process. Here are some of the steps involved in the desalting process you should know about. 1. Dilution of Water The first step in the desalting process is the dilution of water. In this step, the water passes through the preheat train and pumped to the desalters. Thereafter the water that is recycled from the desalter enters the static mixer and injected. It ensures optimal contact with the surface of both the fluids needed for the process. 2. Emulsification of water The second step in the process is the emulsification of water. The diluted water is emulsified with ...